Le Marne Relais hosts Umberto Pelizzari
Umberto Pelizzari
We had the pleasure of welcoming Umberto Pelizzari, freediver who introduces us to his fascinating discipline.
Together with Umberto Pelizzari, we explored his extraordinary life in the world of freediving, from the initial fear of water in his very early youth, through his first experiences in competitive swimming and playful challenges with friends, to reaching the heights of world records and developing a deep bond with the silence of the abyss and beyond.
“I'm a freediver, I'm an enthusiast, I'm an explorer because I love to travel and discover the sea, I'm a dreamer. I had Jacques Mayol as a master and he used to say 'when the number of memories is higher than the number of dreams, a man starts to age. So dreams must remain constant'."
Within this passion, surely there are mind, heart, and training. These three components then determine success. Is there one that prevails over the others to achieve the result?
[…] Today, the greatest freedivers of the latest generation are people who have a great desire to train, they have talent but above all, they have incredible mental abilities. Because the stress that an athlete is subjected to today is immense. […] You have to train a lot, you have to be naturally gifted of course, but this mental part, today, is fundamental."
Watch the video and discover the full interview